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21st Century Ahupua'a:
Looking to Hawaii's Past to Ensure a Sustainable Future

E Komo Mai
The 21st Century Ahupua'a concept is a way of life that's dedicated to the advancement of sustainable development which meets current and future socio-cultural (people), ecological (place) and economic (prosperity) needs. The concept borrows from the Native Hawaiian land, resource and behavior management model called an "ahupua'a."

Ahupua'a management principles, philosophies and practices enabled Native Hawaiians to successfully meet their subsistence needs while conserving their natural resources and protecting their ecosystem. They managed to live in a sustainable way for thousands of years before western contact while learning from and studying their success. The 21st Century Ahupua'a aims to blend and integrate ahupua'a practices with contemporary technology and science so that we might discover near and long-term solutions that produce ecological, social and economic prosperity.

A Work in Progress . . .
The 21st Century Ahupua'a is a work in progress and will be updated regularly. It is intended to serve as an information resource for sustainable best practices, low- and high-tech solutions for sustainable living including sources of clean energy and alternative fuels, recycled and renewable building materials, resource management and conservation ideas, practices and principles, etc.

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