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Bio Fuels
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Wind Energy
Green Retro Fitting
Sustainable Ag
Kauai Aloha Aina

Education must prepare students to honor and respect the Hawaiian culture which is that body of knowledge which most reflects the laws of nature lively in the Hawaiian islands.

This approach to education must also strive to share that knowledge for which the health and well being of the teachers, the students and their families will thrive including:

Commitment to achieving inner and outer sustainability for ourselves and the world

Healthy Lifestyle
Natural health, yoga asanas, and fitness programs for balance in body and mind, and organic vegetarian meals.

Consciousness-Based Education
Holistic, relevant education for a successful life — not just a career — to ensure our happiness and to make real contributions in the world

Meditation and Spiritual Growth
Self knowledge, higher consciousness, spirituality, and inner peace through the "Quiet Time" program

Positive, Supportive and Community
Teachers who really care for their students, and a nourishing environment without the stress and negativity typical of many schools

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